Setup cash back | AvaTrade

AvaTrade, a well-established global forex and CFD broker, offers a unique cashback program known as AvaTrade Rebates. This program rewards traders with a portion of the spreads or commissions they pay on their trades, effectively reducing their overall trading costs. To participate in AvaTrade Rebates and enjoy its benefits, traders need to follow a straightforward setup process. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the steps involved in setting up AvaTrade Rebates and maximizing its potential.

Prerequisites for AvaTrade Rebates

Before embarking on the setup process, ensure you meet the eligibility criteria for AvaTrade Rebates:

  • Account Type: AvaTrade Rebates are applicable to Standard and Retail account holders.

  • Minimum Trading Volume: Traders must generate a minimum monthly trading volume to qualify for rebates. The specific volume requirement varies depending on the rebate tier.

  • Compliance with Terms and Conditions: Traders must adhere to AvaTrade's terms and conditions regarding the rebate program.

Steps for Setting Up AvaTrade Rebates

  1. Open an AvaTrade Account: If you don't already have an AvaTrade account, create one by visiting the AvaTrade website and completing the online registration process.

  2. Verify Your Account: To ensure the security of your funds and compliance with regulatory requirements, complete the account verification process by providing the necessary identification documents.

  3. Enroll in AvaTrade Rebates: Once your account is verified, navigate to the "My Account" section and locate the "AvaTrade Rebates" option. Click on it to activate your participation in the rebate program.

  4. Select Your Rebate Tier: AvaTrade Rebates offers tiered rebate rates based on trading volume. Choose the rebate tier that aligns with your anticipated trading activity.

  5. Understand the Terms and Conditions: Carefully review AvaTrade's terms and conditions for the rebate program to fully understand the program's rules, limitations, and any applicable fees.

Maximizing AvaTrade Rebates

To maximize the benefits of AvaTrade Rebates, consider these strategies:

  • Increase Trading Volume: As you generate higher trading volume, you will qualify for higher rebate tiers, leading to greater cashback rewards.

  • Diversify Trading Instruments: By trading a variety of forex pairs, CFDs, and other instruments, you can increase your overall trading volume and potentially boost your rebates.

  • Monitor Rebate Eligibility: Regularly check your trading volume and rebate tier status to ensure you are meeting the requirements for maximum cashback rewards.


AvaTrade Rebates offers a valuable incentive for traders, providing them with cashback on their trading volume and effectively reducing their overall trading costs. By following the simple setup process, understanding the program's terms and conditions, and implementing strategies to maximize their trading volume, traders can fully reap the benefits of AvaTrade Rebates and enhance their trading experience. Remember, forex and CFD trading involve inherent risks, and it's essential to conduct thorough research, implement sound risk management strategies, and adhere to AvaTrade's terms and conditions before participating in any trading activity.